2016 Fortress/NASSCO Junior Tennis Series






Please see  link to Fact Sheet and entry form for the above tournament to be played at the National Tennis Centre starting Monday April 13 to Sunday April 19, 2015.

2016 Fact Sheet

Also note the separate category and fees for U10s Red dot events.

Entry deadline is Friday April 10, 2015 at 6pm.

Please send an e-mail with your entry if you are unable to get to the Tennis Centre by this deadline!

Kindly note that all players in the U12 – U18 divisions must be current members of the Association to play in the tournament – if you have yet to pay your subscription for 2015, you must also pay with your tournament entry fees. NB – U10 players are encouraged to join the Association but need not be members.

Apologies for late notice.

Hope to see you.